A new frontier for music educators is interactive Web-based instruction and assessment. Why? Because there aren’t enough hours in the day let alone class time to do all the great things music educators can accomplish. And now with music technology, it is possible to successfully augment your curriculum as well as cleverly assess all those pressing standards.
Interactive Web-based instruction and assessment can bring you and your students together with 24/7 flexibility. Band, choral, and string performance techniques now have home instruction options because programs such as Makemusic’s SmartMusic and Pyware’s iPAS can improve the quality of home practice and provide accountability data.
The most recent development is numeric data assessment on your Web site that is not easily obtained in the classroom setting where teachers are overloaded with so many responsibilities. I can’t think of anything more precious to busy music educators than more efficient use of their time.
Working Models for Interactive Web-Based Instruction/Assessment
Here are some examples of school Web sites that use online instruction. You’ll be inspired by the creativity and efficiency of the online instruction and assessments you’ll find.
The most recent development is numeric data assessment on your Web site that is not easily obtained in the classroom setting where teachers are overloaded with so many responsibilities. I can’t think of anything more precious to busy music educators than more efficient use of their time.
Working Models for Interactive Web-Based Instruction/Assessment
Here are some examples of school Web sites that use online instruction. You’ll be inspired by the creativity and efficiency of the online instruction and assessments you’ll find.