Music Education Days, produced by the NAMM foundation, offers tools to music education professionals for creating even better music programs, the chance to network with the industry and each other, and an ‘insider look’ at the latest music product innovations.
The program offers music teachers and administrators informative sessions, inspiring performances, and the opportunity to preview the latest instruments, products and tools relevant to today’s music classrooms.
“Music Education Days continues to celebrate and support music educators in their very important role of inspiring children to learn to play music,” said Mary Luehrsen, executive director of the NAMM Foundation. “This event brings together music education professionals to network with the industry and each other, and offers tools and innovation to create even better music programs in their districts.”
Music educators (pre-K through post graduate faculty, private teachers/instructors), school administrators, and school board members participate in the experience.
Participants share:
“There is no substitute for being able to sit with the manufacturers of the hardware, software technology I use every day in the classroom. Also, it’s great to see and access emerging technologies and products that won’t make it into mainstream music stores for some time”
“I have so many new ideas to use in the classroom. I wasn’t even aware of some of the new products and technology available for educators and students.”
“Music Education Days at NAMM provides an opportunity to network with other professionals and hear what they’re doing and discuss both wins and challenges as well as what we might explore doing to overcome the challenges.”
“Each year I make new and excellent connections. Some connections are practical and we do some collaborating during the year. Other connections are totally inspiring and provide the energy I use all year to stay positive about the music education I provide.”