Recently, the National Association for Musice Education (NAfME) joined 26 other organizations in supporting a bipartisan letter to President Obama urging an increase in funding for IDEA, with an eye toward fully funding IDEA within the next ten years.
As noted in a letter to U.S. House members,
“Currently, there are over 6.5 million children eligible for special education services under the disability categories of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The comprehensive assessment and support services authorized by IDEA help to close the academic achievement gap and ensure a meaningful education for every student. We owe it to all students to provide a quality education that will help them graduate and enter successful careers.
“The federal government committed to contributing 40 percent of the average per pupil expenditure (APPE) for each special education student. However, we have always fallen short of this commitment, with funding for IDEA Part B never reaching above 18.5 percent. This shortchanges all students because this federal funding shortfall strains state general funds.
“Please join us in asking the President to increase spending for IDEA in FY15 and work with us on a plan to reach full funding for IDEA in ten years.”
Members have been asked to contact Rep. Jared Huffman’s or Rep. David McKinley’s in order to sign on to that letter to the President. The deadline to do so is noon EST, Wednesday, February 12, 2014. Currently, 51 House members have signed the letter.