Recreational Music Making (RMM) programming began on Friday, Jan. 20 with the All-industry Drum Circle and ends on Sunday, Jan. 22 with the Music Making and Leisure Brunch & Learn, and Ukulele Circle.
Sound Bites from Past Events
“The All-Industry Drum Circle is a sonic symbol for all music is, and all it can be to musicians and non-musicians alike.” – John Fitzgerald, Remo Inc.
“We’re here to present real working ideas that you can take home. NAMM Members make a better musical world!” -Mary Luehrsen, executive director of The NAMM Foundation.
“Remember…It’s all about the groove!” – Lisa Beale, Bongo Boy Music.
Complete Schedule for RMM at the 2017 NAMM Show
On Friday, Jan. 20 the All-industry Drum Circle began at 5:45 p.m.. Participants were invited to blow off steam and get ideas for setting up fun, group-based recreational music making experiences. Percussion instruments were provided in collaboration with Remo, Inc. at the Palm Garden, Outside of the Anaheim Convention Center.
On Sunday, Jan. 22 the “Music Making and Leisure” Brunch & Learn will begin at 11:00 a.m. This is the place to discover tips for hosting in-store music-making events and activities that will engage first-time and seasoned music makers. Moderator: Mary Luehrsen, Executive Director, The NAMM Foundation; Panelists: Lee Higgins, contributing author of The Oxford Handbook of Music Making and President of the International Society of Music Educators (ISME); Roger Mantie, Associate Professor of Music Education School of Music at Arizona State University and co-editor of The Oxford Handbook of Music Making and Leisure. Continental breakfast is provided. Presented by The NAMM Foundation. Anaheim Convention Center, NAMM Member Center
Following the Brunch & Learn the Ukulele Circle will begin at 2:30 p.m. Particiapiants will learn the basics of the instrument known as the “jumping flea.” No experience is required, ukes will be provided. Facilitated by Lenny San Jose. Presented by NAMM in collaboration with Kala Brand Music.