Sight reading is a skill like any other- it can be honed and perfected. However, to do so, it takes time and more importantly…consistency:
- Have a plan and method for how your ensemble should approach any new piece. My suggestion is this order: Rhythm, Key & Pitch, Dynamics, & then Style Markings.
- Sight read something EVERY DAY.
- Start now, not two weeks before assessment. Make sight reading part of a balanced music education, and not just for yearly assessment.
- Make sight reading fun! Scaling a mountain peak is challenging, but the fun is in the view from the top…kids want to be a part of something fun and good.
- Remember, as their teacher – you can sell them on anything, as long as you believe in it and are energized and engaged.
And lastly, if you stay consistent with steps 1-5, the sky’s the limit.
Tyler Arcari